
2011年8月24日 星期三


棒棒人家族在巴爾地摩喜歡用的佐料,一個是金蘭的“鼓舌”醬油,另一個是Trader Joe's的“喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽"。前者感覺上,在台灣應該隨處可買到;後者,Trader Joe's的“喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽",恐怕就沒那麼容易了,棒爸覺得有必要好好介紹一下。

當初主要是對於Trader Joe's的信賴,看到這新奇的佐料,抱著嘗試的心理,棒爸抓了架上一罐 “喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽" 放到購物車裡,還記得那時候棒媽臉上露出的笑,好像說:『好奇是吧?』;萬萬沒想到,晚上把它往桌上一擺,轉轉磨磨,棒媽和棒爸都露出驚喜的表情:『不錯噢!』。這“喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽" 比棒爸之前用過的鹽,都來得鹹,轉轉磨磨一小眯眯,就夠了,這高鹹度的原因,棒爸是很久以後才知道。

“喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽" ,屬於礦鹽,經由開採,處理成較小的顆粒後,顏色有的透明無色,有的粉紅,有的甚至粉紅中帶點褐色,就觀賞的角度來說,是蠻討喜的。根據俄勒岡州一家叫做MountainRoseHerbs公司的資料,“喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽" 的形成,來自於兩億五千萬年前侏羅紀海底的岩層(我知道,聽起來有點很嚇人,但我目前沒更好的資料),隨著喜馬拉雅山脈的隆起,被當地人們發掘,作為保存魚肉的材料,春天暖和後,人們就把這些喜馬拉雅山的礦鹽,由犛牛扛著,帶到尼泊爾的山谷市集裡,用來交換其他日常用品。Trader Joe's賣的,主要產於巴基斯坦,由南非的公司負責包裝,銷到美國。因為混著銅鐵鎂鈣等礦物質,色澤才會是粉紅的,另一方面,就因為水分子含量低,所以鹹度高。棒媽和棒蘇扉回台灣後,棒爸把這 “喜馬拉雅粉紅鹽" 帶到實驗室和大家分享,許多人都表現出高度的興趣,紛紛詢問可以在哪裡買到,答案就是Trader Joe's。

4 則留言:

  1. Thank you for sharing this salt. For sure I will grab it from Trader Joe next time!
    I have been following your blog for couple months and the reason is my husband myself and my almost 3 year-old son is moving to Baltimore next year! We are also originally from Taiwan and he is going for nephrology fellowship at Johns Hopkins. We are both doing our residency in Michigan.
    Thank you for the detail descriptions regarding places to live and the school district. We are thinking of living in Ellicott City and do have a question regarding the commute. is it faster to take freeway 95 or 144 to downtown Baltimore?

    Thank you

  2. Hi Christine,

    I have very limited experiences in commuting between these two places. But I can ask my boss, who just bought a house in Ellicott City last month and should have a good answer to your question.

    John Huang

  3. Thank you so much John!
    Too bad Sophie already went back to Taiwan with mom, otherwise maybe our kids could play together.
    Again thank you very much. If possible hopefully we could meet up next year!

    Thank you again and keep in touch!


  4. Hi Christine,
    My boss said that routing through 95 is faster than through 40 although the distance will be longer. If you want to find an apartment in Ellicott City, choosing one closer to 95 could make you happier.
    John Huang
